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"Serious lack of customer care"

A review of Artico Hairdressing by Marion written on Friday 25th of September 2015


I've just left Artico hairdressers in tears! I still cannot believe my experience with them, they treated me as if I was dirt. Having had my hair colour done by Joanne, I sat on a chair waiting for her to blow dry my hair. The girl who previously had been washing the floor approached me and started to dry my hair. I questioned her and asked when Joanne would take over, I was then told by an extremely rude "manager" who informed me I had not booked a blow dry and the cleaning girl would dry my hair. I have never heard this before and I've been going there for years. No offer was made to me, no apology given and the "girl" didn't have any idea how to blow dry. I left in tears having paid £63 to be treated like dirt. I will not be going there again and thankfully a new hair salon is now open right beside them. Serious lack of care for their customers. Never again Marion

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Artico Hairdressing

Map showing Artico Hairdressing on Stratford Road