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"A Very Unpleasant Experience"

A review of Artico Hairdressing by Catherine Thomas written on Wednesday 27th of July 2016


About a year ago I visited Artico in Solihull. Never again. It was the most unpleasant experience I have ever had at a hairdressers. The stylist, Danielle didn't know what a shag haircut was despite my detailed explanations, didn't want to cut a V shape at the back because SHE didn't like them - this is my hair we're talking about! I was nervous about letting her continue with the cut so asked a friend to sit nearby. Danielle didn't cut a shag, took far too much off the length of my long thick 2b/2c curly hair and put hardly any layers into it, leaving me with a horrid triangle shape with all the weight at the bottom. When I voiced my opinion of the cut the sylist was rude, aggressive and was even rude to my friend when she tried to help explain the cut I wanted. A visit to a salon should be a pleasant, pampering experience, I left here so angry that I refused to pay.

Will never visit this salon again..

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Artico Hairdressing

Map showing Artico Hairdressing on Stratford Road